Sunday 31 March 2013


Well everybody this is one of my last Australian goodbyes!!

Just left with JoJo and getting on our plane tomorrow!!

Can't wait for the trip I dont think I'll be able to sleep tomorrow!! Luckily I've got ear plugs for the flight so no noise for me!! =) Hopefully there will be some people to meet and talk to on the plane becasue its going to be a looonnnggg flight!!

Well This Is Me!!

Im leaving for a trip around the world tomorrow and I realised that you guys dont know anything about me!!

Well this is me!!

Im 5 years old.
I live in Sydney Australia with my 4 brothers and my sister.
I'm pretty short if I say so myself and a bit hairy.

I've just come back from a relaxing beach holiday before I go to the freezing temperatures of gay Paris to be eating my pain au chocolat!! =)

My last Aussie Sunset for 3 Months
Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi

I've been packing all day but unfortunately as I think you've all heard I've lost my passport, =(  but dont worry I get to tag along with JoJo in her bag.

Everythings been packed!! My clothes, my toothbrush, my camera, and of course my computer to stay in touch.

Well I think this is goodbye for now!! I'll be on my blog and chatting soon!!  

Sunday 24 March 2013

Woollies' Spanish relatives are getting excited

Woollie has been very busy getting prepared for his first venture overseas.
He forgot to get his passport  and visa so he is going to stow away in JoJo's luggage, lucky he is so  little, Im pretty sure he will go undetected by customs.
He has been doing lots of exercise getting ready for his hike up the Pyrenees to meet his french relatives and Ive been told he will have a lovely party with his Spanish relatives a few days after that.

Woollies' Spanish cousins
Woollie has confided in Kate that he is getting really excited as he really wants to visit the Eiffel Tower in Paris and he has been madly studying his french phrase book.
Hi favourite words are Oui (yes) /Non (no),  S'il vous plait (please),  Merci (thank you), croissant and his most favourite is pain au Chocolat (Chocolate croissant), yum yum !
Lucky he is walking such a long distance, we don't want him getting a muffin top !

Friday 8 March 2013


Some of Woollie-am's last goodbyes!!!!

"Nearly time to leave the family!!!!"

Left to Right
                  Back Row: Black Woollie, Big White Woollie, Brown Woollie
                  Middle Row: Baby Brown Woollie, Pink Woollie
                  Front Row: Woollie-am